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The Ultimate Cleaning Playlist 2022

 Cleaning can be an unpleasant task for many of us, but a great playlist can be a game changer. While specific cleaning routines improve our productivity and prepare our brains to do more, it is not a lie that cleaning can be tedious and disheartening for many of us. However, cleaning adds value to our lifestyle in many ways. Cleaning supports a strong immune system, improves heart health, reduces stress, boosts our mood, and improves indoor air quality. For this reason, Quantum X has gathered the ultimate cleaning songs and created the best Playlist to add to your cleaning kit. Download it, increase motivation, and eliminate boredom, dust, and bacteria one song at a time.


Preaching to the cleaning Choir

Yes, we all know the advantages of vacuuming, but do you know the benefits of vacuuming with Quantum X along with the right playlist? To start with, the suction of the vacuum is extremely powerful, so you can pick up any wet or dry mess and still listen to your favorite music. Quantum X filters 99% of the allergens because it is a water filtration method; dust and bacteria go straight to the drain, not back to your indoor spaces. In addition, the world's first upright water filtration vacuum includes several tools to clean every home corner and aromatize it with four fantastic fragrances. Finally, Quantum X works with Micro-silver technology that reduces 90% of germs, dust, and bacteria. Are you ready? Quantum X has the cleaning covered, it is time to prepare your cleaning kit and turn up the best music playlist to clean.

Jazz cleaning up.

Music can influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and beyond that is suited to motivate us or not. Considering this, Dr. Lesiuk's study “The Effect of Music Listening on Performance” states that ambient and mellow melodies are best for studying, light pop rhythms can help you tackle challenging tasks, and upbeat songs promote physical activity, like dancing and cleaning! Even though Science is on our side, everyone is not the same, and we all don't have the same music taste. For this reason, listening to your favorite music is always the best idea; but listening to our Quantum X playlist can be a game changer. Let us Jazz your cleaning routine up!

 The Ultimate Cleaning Playlist 2022

Music is a universal language; whether you grew up in the 80s or 90s, some songs bring energy, memories, and everyone together in one tune. From ABBA to QUEEN, we gathered our all-time favorites to boost your energy and put you in the mood for cleaning! Make sure to have your Quantum X vacuum ready, your stereo or headphones on at a reasonable volume, and attitude ON to tackle dirt, bacteria, and dust one song at a time.